
I also only saw one movie today, one called Angel Face. Courtney and I saw it together in the Salle du 60 theater, and we really didn't know what to think when we were walking out of it. The story was about a young mother, Marlene, and her daughter Elli. Marlene was a crazy partier and a very irresponsible mother, and Elli is around ten years old and ends up fending for herself quite a bit whenever her mother is away. Elli has also developed a habit of drinking some of the alcohol that her mother would leave lying around the house.

When Marlene runs off with a random guy who she meets in the club, Elli is left by herself, and seeks out a neighbor to take care of her while her mother's away. She hangs out with that guy and also goes to school, where she's bullied by her fellow students. At the end of the movie, Elli gets mad that her mother showed up to her school play, so she ran away and dove off a cliff into the ocean below. Luckily the neighbor who had been taking care of her saved her, but Marlene was freaking out.

That was pretty much the whole movie -- and as I'm sitting here writing down the plot, it makes even less sense to me than it did when I watched it. The movie felt very disjointed and unorganized, and I had no idea what I was supposed to take away from it after watching it. There were no discernible lessons or morals, or even a conclusion from what I could tell. It kind of felt like a waste of two hours.


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