
Today was incredible.

I saw two very feminist documentaries and absolutely loved both of them. The first was RBG, which was about Ruth Bader Ginsburg. This documentary was very well put together, and had a perfect mix of hilarious moments about Ruth's life and more serious moments that dealt with the huge difference she made with gender equality in the law. I didn't know much about her before watching the documentary, but now she's one of my new heroes. I'm going to make all of my family and friends watch it once it comes out.

The second documentary that I saw was one called #FemalePleasure. I was a bit uncertain going into it because although I'm a feminist, I was afraid the movie would be way too politically charged and angry, because I don't think that's a good way to present the ideology of feminism. However, I was completely blown away by how amazing this documentary was. The argument that it made was carefully constructed and exceptionally well-executed, which was what made the documentary so good. The topic -- society's taboo against female sexuality and gender equality in general -- is incredibly important by itself, but it takes well-made films like #FemalePleasure to make sure this message is explained and received well, so that it becomes relevant in society.

I watched this movie with a couple of other girls from our study abroad group, and when it finished we were quiet. We silently walked out of the theater and were quiet for a moment outside, until my friend Kristen said quietly, "That was badass." We all began raving about the film and how good it was, deciding we had to tell all of our peers to go watch it.

I felt like I had taken an emotional bath when I was walking out of that theater. The film really throws in your face the amount of injustice and cruelty that women still face in modern times when it comes to their sexuality and gender discrimination. I truly felt different after having seen it, which is saying a lot because I'm already very attuned to feminist issues in society. Once I had a chance to get on wifi at Juan Les Pins, I called my boyfriend and ended up crying on the phone telling him how thankful I was to have someone as amazing as him. The experiences that the women in the documentary had been through were scary and horrible, and made me realize how lucky I was to be in a healthy relationship with someone who loved and respected me.

Even though I ended up crying at the end of the day, today was so fulfilling and wonderful. I feel like I really learned a lot, and I can't wait to have another experience in a theater where I feel changed when I'm walking out of it.


  1. Excellent! Discovering films like that one is what this festival is all about.


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