
Today I watched four movies and was absolutely exhausted by the time I got home at around one a.m.

The first one I saw at 9:30 was Our New President, a very badly made documentary about the 2016 US election told solely through Russian propaganda. My friend and I were interested in this move because the premise of it seemed very intriguing and we thought it could be good -- and the premise was interesting, but it was just executed very poorly. The film had absolutely no narration or discernible plot line. It looked like someone had just taken a bunch of videos off of YouTube and mushed them together into a movie that was thirty minutes longer than it had to be.

The second film that I saw today was much better. It was Bethany Hamilton: Unstoppable, a documentary about Bethany Hamilton, a professional surfer who had her left arm bitten off by a Tiger shark when she was thirteen. I already knew most of her story because I had read her book and watched a fictional movie about her life called Soul Surfer when I was in middle school. There was more to her story that I didn't know, however, which by itself is incredible. The movie was also very well-made, though, which made Bethany's story ten times better. The cinematography was excellent, and it really captured the beauty of surfing and the emotional ties that Bethany has to the sport and the ocean. There was one scene where they filmed Bethany and someone else surfing at night, and they had neon lights on the bottom of their boards. I think they may have also had some lights on the ocean floor where they were surfing, I'm not sure, but the scene was so beautiful and cool to watch. I have no idea how they managed to pull that off, because it could have easily turned out very badly, but the end result was gorgeous.

The third movie that I saw was a French film called Stars By The Pound, and it showed in a tiny Lerins theater with no more than thirty seats in it. Four of us went to go see it because we didn't have anything better to do, and because the description looked fairly interesting. It was about a girl in high school who's dream was to become an astronaut and go to space, but she wasn't able to because she was so overweight. She was heavy for genetic reasons, not because of eating habits -- the film kicks off with her passing out in class because she had stopped eating, so she clearly wasn't overweight because she ate too much. She is then admitted into a hospital and is put in a room with a few other girls who had eating disorders, and the four of them form an unlikely friendship and decide to escape from their facility. I won't give away the rest of the plot in case any of my readers decide to see it, but the movie was absolutely amazing. The ending was heartwarming and happy without it being unrealistic or cheesy, the cinematography was incredible, and the acting was also fantastic. When we were walking out of the theater, we were wondering why on earth that movie hadn't been shown in a larger theater, or even shown more than once. It was such a great movie, and it felt like we had found a literal diamond in the rough when we stumbled across it in the screening schedule and decided to go check it out.

After watching all of these movies, Courtney and I went back to Juan Les Pins to eat dinner before we came back to Cannes to see the 10:00 showing of Sorry Angel. It turns out that we got in line for the wrong movie -- El Angel was showing in the Debussy theater at the same time as Sorry Angel was showing in another theater. We realized we were in the wrong movie after it started, but at that point it was too late to switch theaters, so we just stayed. The movie actually ended up being pretty good -- it wasn't my favorite one that I'd seen by any means, but it was very well-made and well-acted, so I could appreciate it.

We finally got out of the movie at around 12:15, and by the time we got an Uber and got back to Juan Les Pins it was one a.m. All of my exhaustion hit me once we got in the Uber, and I passed out almost immediately once we got home. I think I was so tired because I had been out a


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