
The last day of the festival!

Today was much better than yesterday because I saw one fantastic film fairly early in the day and decided to leave it at that and not ruin my day with another movie that could possibly be bad. The film I saw was BlackkKlansman, and it was absolutely fantastic. The issues that it tackled are ones that I was already passionate about before the film came out, and I'm so glad that someone tackled it in such an in-your-face, effective, and professional way. The film was amazing, and when the American flag came up on the screen at the end of the movie, it was dead quiet in the theater. Like, absolutely silent. It made me so happy that everyone was listening and was so enraptured and moved by the movie that they were so quiet when it ended.

After that, Courtney and I got some food and headed to the beach to eat it, and I got ANOTHER hotdog stolen by a seagull while we were there. That's the second time that's happened on this trip. The bird pulled it off my bag and into the sand so that it was inedible, and I had just paid like five euros for it. I was mad.

But overall, it was nice hanging out on a sunny day on our last day in Cannes. This festival has been stressful and weird but also fun, and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing.


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